


Rua Garret is definitely one of the most iconic streets in Lisbon, probably being on the top 3 most famous streets in the city. Well, it is on my top 3 most vibrant ones, at least. Interestingly, it is quite a small street, but with loads of relevant spots packed next to each other.  

A Brasileira 

Perhaps the most iconic place in this street, and also the most famous historic café in the whole of Lisbon. A Brasileira is a mandatory stop for tourists to enjoy a nice coffee and take a picture with the statue of Fernando Pessoa (famous Portuguese poet). You don't have to take a picture with the statue, but you loose tourist points if you don't do it, so... However, if you're not a tourist you can still (and should) have a coffee here, or a delicious cake, and appreciate the beautiful Art Deco interiors. 


A little less famous and touristy than A Brasileira, Benard is also a great stop if you're around the area. It is very famous for the croissants, which I personally haven't tried yet but I believe my friends when they say something is delicious. I'm sure the other pastries are equally amazing. 


Alcôa is a recent addition in Lisbon. Originally from Alcobaça (central Portugal), this place brings the amazing ancient pastries made by monks in the past directly to the capital. 

Pequeno Jardim 

Pequeno Jardim (which means Little Garden, cute) is possibly the prettiest flower shop you've ever seen, and it also makes Rua Garret a lot more instagramable.  Even you don't care about the 'Gram, it's still an aesthetically pleasing place to look at, or to actually buy some flowers!

Livraria Sá da Costa

If you are in the Chiado area and you have time to kill, instead of looking at things you can't afford/don't really need in all the shops around, maybe visit this bookshop! There is an endless amount of old books and other interesting things to look at and be entertained (such as that puffer fish in one of the pictures above). One of the last times I went inside I found a beautiful first edition of Harry Potter. I didn't buy it, but it's still fun to nerd around for a bit. Sometimes there are nice free exhibitions on the first floor of the shop as well. 

Paris em Lisboa

I thought I would mention Paris em Lisboa because it's an historic Lisbon shop, open since 1888, where you can still find great quality products that once supplied the royal palace. How cool is that?! 


Because one bookshop is not enough, in the same street you also have Bertrand. It is part of a national chain of bookshops. However, this one in particular is said to be the oldest bookshop in the world that still operates! That's enough of a reason to have a look inside.

Tous / Ourivesaria Aliança

The place where you can currently find the famous brand Tous used to be Ourivesaria Aliança in the past, a famous jewelry shop. Its stunning interiors are luckily still preserved, so do yourself a favor and have a look inside!

These are most of the iconic places to visit in Rua Garret, a small street that has so much to see!